Important message to all planning mobile stations for the July 19th Antiope occultation This is perhaps the most important occultation that IOTA has ever deployed for, a unique chance to profile in detail the largest main-belt binary asteroid. I don't want to screw it up, like we did for the May 29th Eudora occultation, with almost all stations crowding into the predicted path, netted only one positive result (maybe two if the star's duplicity is confirmed) because the actual path was entirely north of the predicted one. The only way we can succeed with Antiope is with a systematic approach organized by one person. As president of IOTA, I excercise my executive perogative to be the organizer for this occultation with a plan, described below, that I believe will optimize the overall coverage of the occultation with the finite resources that we can deploy, and give a good result even if a shift significantly larger than predicted occurs. And the possibility of a large shift may be high; Steve Preston notes that the star has "proper motion issues" and may be a previously unknown double, the same recipe for disaster that preceded the Eudora occultation (but that was a much smaller asteroid, so if we have a similar shift for Antiope, it will not be nearly as disastrous). As a first step, all mobile stations currently on Occult Watcher (OW) are not part of the new plan and should not be used - sorry to those who have already spent some effort setting them up. Those at fixed observatories are encouraged to sign up with Occult Watcher, or let me or Scotty Degenhardt ( know your plans, so you can be added, and the mobile stations positioned around you to optimize the coverage. But those planning mobile stations should first let me know (email or cell 301-526-5590), and I will specify lines that you should aim for, and you can then use OW (or let Scotty do this for you) to select a site (or sites for those with mobile stations). But you might need to change a site if a fixed observer later says that he/she will observe at a site within 2 km of your line. I will maintain the actual plan offline (OW will just be used as a site selection tool), but will post updated versions of it periodically in Brad Timerson's IOTA meeting section Web site. A final version of it might not be determined until our pre-occultation meeting for the occultation Monday morning, July 18, in Rocklin; that will be our last "horse trading" session, to finalize the plan. If you can't be there in person, we can probably use EVO for you to attend virtually, but I think most mobile observers for this event will be in northern California. The plan is meant to maximize the number of stations that those depoying multiple remote stations can set up, while optimizing the overall coverage of the event, as explained below. The orientation of the two components of Antiope make this a very wide (expected 221 km) path, but the 1-sigma uncertainty range, including coverage of the PPMXL star position path as well as the HIP2 path, is half again larger, 336 km; to have a reasonable chance of good coverage of the event, we need to cover that entire range (actually, a 340-km range since we want to use a spacing of 10 km between stations) uniformly. This should maximize the change for covering both components of Antiope well, but if we have a very large shift, like the approximately 90-km (almost 3-sigma) shift that we had for the May 29th Eudora occultation, we will still cover one of the components completely, and at least 1/3rd (and probably 1/2 or more) of the other component. Although this plan I hope results in success, I don't want to spread resources too thinly by spreading out more for a less likely larger shift; as it is, covering the 340 km range will result in 1/3rd of the stations having no occultation - I don't want to increase that fraction by spreading out more. Fixed-site observers within a 100 km outside the 340-km range, north and south, will be strongly encouraged to observe in order to extend the coverage to guard against a possible very large shift, as well as to look for other small satelloids that might be in the Antiope system. Specifically, I want to cover the range from 155 km north to 185 km south (farther south to cover the PPMXL path) at 10-km intervals; that makes a total of 35 stations. None of them will be at the center, and each observer should cover only lines on one side of the predicted central line; until the 35 lines are occupied, nobody will "own" the central line (unless they have a fixed observatory there). The lines will start at 5 km north and 5 km south of center, then go out at 10-km intervals, until 155 km north and 185 km south are reached. Observers should select sites for their stations within +/-2 km of their assigned line(s); Derek Breit's google map Web page for this event at is best for this. For example, if you are given the 25 km north line, just enter +27 and +23 in the boxes at the top of the map, and select the best site you can find between the two gray lines that are displayed as you zoom in on the path. A first step is that those planning to deploy more than one station should let me know how many stations you think you can run as soon as possible. I want to follow the following rules for those planning remote-station deployments: 1. All of your stations will have adjacent lines, so they should all be about 10 km (no more) apart, to shorten the total travel time. 2. One observer will have no more than ten assigned lines, for a total range of at most 90 km; if you can deploy more stations, let me know and you can start filling in lines halfway between your assigned lines. 3. If you are deploying five or fewer stations, all of your lines will be on one side of the central line, either all to the north or all to the south of it. Scotty Degenhardt and I will each be planning on ten stations, and we will take the outer reaches, so that others, most or all of whom will be deploying fewer stations, will be in the higher probability areas. Scotty plans to take the northern side, lines +65 to +155, while I'll cover the southern part, from -95 to -185. After all 35 mobile station lines have been assigned, the 36th mobile station will get the central line (if a fixed-site station is not already within 2 km of it). Other mobile stations over 36 will be given locations halfway between the others already assigned, at + and -10 km, + and -20 km, etc., so we can accommodate up to 69 mobile stations at 5-km intervals; I doubt that we'll have that many, but I think we will have more than 36, and I'll be happy with that. ________ Below is my calculation of the predicted path-width for the occultation, and for the planned coverage zone. Go towards the bottom of the 2011 IOTA annual meeting Web page, at - Brad Timerson has put much information about the occultation of ZC 3339 by the (90) Antiope system. About 2/3rds of the way down the page is a black background sky-plane predicted view of the Antiope system labelled "Preliminary Miriade Model of (90) Antiope at 10:25 UT". Below it, I inverted the colors to make a white- background version of it, and drew a long arrow showing the direction of motion of Antiope in the sky, from position angle 48.6 deg. I printed that figure, and measured the distances of the farthest edge of each component of Antiope from the center, obtaining 79 km to the north and 83 km to the south, in the sky plane. However, the path projects by a factor of 1.3667 (= 164/120, Steve Preston's values for the path width/asteroid diameter) onto the Earth's surface, so the shadow on the ground will extend beyond Preston's blue limits, with the n. limit 108 km north of center and the s. limit 113 km south of center. Entering +108 and -113 in the boxes on Derek Breit's google map for the event (the link for it is given above), I've produced a map of northern Calif. and northwestern Nevada, shown below the sky-plane diagrams and labelled "Resulting Path (GRAY lines) IF Prediction and star position are correct!". It assumes that Steve Preston's prediction, as well as the Miriade model for the asteroid components, are both perfect; the real path width should be 221 km, within which at least one component will occult the star, and in a range extending from near center only to about 10 km south, both components might occult the star. Of course, the prediction probably won't be perfect; the PPMXL catalog predicts a 36 km south shift, and Steve Preston's 1- sigma error is 46 km. Consequently, I've produced a 2nd map, shown below the first one and labelled "Ground coverage (GRAY lines) required to take into account possible prediction/star position errors". It shows with the gray lines the area that I think we should try to cover with mobile stations, with the northern gray line at 108 + 46 (1-sigma) = +154 km and the southern gray line at -113 -36 (PPMXL shift) -46 (1-sigma) = -182 km. Rounding up to the nearest 5 km, the range becomes +155 km to -185 km for a range of 340 km, so the actual path should cover about 2/3rds of this planned coverage. I don't want to "waste" mobile resources by extending them beyond these distances, but we'll encourage fixed-site observers to monitor the star at greater distances. I hope (and believe) that we can deploy enough remote and mobile stations to cover the 340 km at 10 km spacing or less. This coverage plan might be modified to take into account later information that we might learn about the prediction. We might obtain a better idea of the true error of the star's current position by comparing the current HIP2 positional information about the star with the old HIP1 positional information; although we've compared HIP2 with other catalogs, the comparison with HIP1 has not yet been done. Also, only a few days before the occultation, as Antiope moves far enough from the Sun, we might actually obtain new adaptive optics large-telescope observations of Antiope that might allow us to update the sky-plane figure of the system. If the components are rotated more in the clockwise direction, the actual path width will be narrower than the 221 km mentioned above, but we'll probably keep the same coverage, which just then increases our margin for coverage in case of a larger than 1-sigma shift. If the components are rotated more in the counter-clockwise direction, the actual path-width will increase and we then might expand the coverage by 10 or 20 km in each direction, but since the components are already opened rather widely, the expansion of the path width is unlikely to be more than what I mention. David